******All inquires below were posted prior to the blog (disclaimer... they may be reused at some point for the blog).*******

How do you express creativity?

How do you use humor at work?

How are you practicing delayed gratification?

If your daily self talk was a friend, would you consider it a healthy friendship or do you need to make changes?

Opportunities or Problems; how do you view the world?

Where do you cull new tactics for your playbook?

When you consider your success; are you more aware of internal or external forces driving you?

What is your practice to do the important and not the urgent?

What language would you like to learn?

What challenges will your great grandchildren face during high school?

How are you generous to those that cannot reciprocate?

Have you taken the time to fully unpack the lessons learned from you last big fail?

How have you used your own failure to motivate you or those around you?

How do you embrace failure?

What would you attempt if knew you couldn't fail?

When was the last time you played a childhood game and what was it?

What is your daily or weekly practice for taking time to think deeply?

What product jingle sticks in your head? Why?

What was the best lesson your father taught you?

What industries will virtually disappear in 5 and 10 years?

What childhood dreams have you achieved?

What would you change at your company that would surprise and delight your customers?

Who do you count on to tell you the unvarnished truth?

What long lost friend could use an encouraging phone call or email? The first name that came to mind is the one.

What change are you resisting? In what ways could it be good for you?

What is something you have been saying "Yes" to that you now need to say "No" to make progress on your goals?

How would you invest your life if time and money were not a limitation? What is a step you can take to start?

What physical act can you do today, even right now, that can increase your flexibility?

What is a favorite movie and what makes it a favorite?

Are you ready for driverless cars?

What is one thing that you appreciate about your boss? Now go tell them.

What is a company you respect and why?

How do you define success?

Who around you needs a grace-filled helping hand?

How are you going to have fun this weekend?

Do you debate or listen?

When you were 12 years old, who did you look up to and why? What do you think of them now?

What is a branch of the family tree that needs gracious mending?

Who encourages you? Tell them.

If your the average of your five closest friends; who are yours and do you need to make changes for health and growth?

How will you express gratitude today?

What was your last inspiration to laugh so hard your abs hurt? Be inspired again.

Who are you going to prove right; those who say you can't or those who say you CAN!

What is the name of the individual that takes out your trash each evening?

What periodic maintenance is overdue (date night, car maintenance, yearly physical)?

How are you implementing the actions from the last good book you read?

How are you refreshed for the week?

Are the goals your pursuing really yours?

When are you going to stop and smell the flowers? No, I mean literal flowers, the kind with petals.

What is one of your fears and a single step you can take to weaken it's impact on your life?

Is your organization healthier as a result of your presence?

© Kenneth Woodward and Inquiry Of The Day (IOTD) 365 (IOTD365), 2016.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kenneth Woodward and IOTD365 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Give me a chance to say "Yes".